Selasa, 09 Juli 2019


I had the worst experience when I got a group assignment. I am the type of person who likes to work alone, why? because I was disappointed and treated like a maid. They act like bosses and they are like ghosts, they disappear when a task will be created and appear when the task will be collected. they ask for their names to be listed without any effort. maybe I wrongly called them ghosts? maybe more than that.

Causative Verbs


Use the correct form of the verb in parantheses in each of the following sentences.

  1. The teacher made Alex leave (leave) the room.
    Answer: leave because subject + tense + complement + verb
  2. Megan got Marvin to type (type) by a mechanic.
    Answer: to type because subject + tense + complement (person) + verb infinitive.
  3. We got our house to paint (paint) last week.
    Answer: to paint because subject + tense + complement (person) + verb infinitive.
  4. Dylan got his transcripts to send (send) to the university.
    Answer: to send because subject + tense + complement (person) + verb infinitive.
  5. Selena is getting her hair to cut (cut) tomorrow.
    Answer: to cut because subject + tense + complement (person) + verb infinitive.

Pekerjaan Berhubungan Pada Bidang IT

Para lulusan dari jurusan komputer merupakan lulusan yang paling banyak dicari dan dibutuhkan oleh perusahaan, tidak heran keuntungan kuliah jurusan komputer sangat mendukung karier kita di masa depan.

Berikut ini beberapa jenis pekerjaan IT paling diminati :

Pekerjaan IT yang diminati pertama adalah Programmer. Ya, banyak sekali lulusan IT yang berminat menjadi seorang programmer, baik sebagai senior maupun junior programmer. Tugas utama dari seorang programmer adalah memahami macam-macam bahasa pemrograman dan membuat serta mengembangkan sebuah program yang berlaku umum, sesuai dengan kebutuhan dari user yang menggunakannya.